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Is water safe to drink in Morocco?

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Is water safe to drink in Morocco?

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Generally speaking, it’s probably best to drink filtered or bottled water when travelling in Morocco. Most locals will drink tap water and many travelers may take the risk, but you wouldn’t want a stomach bug to stop you from having a good time in a new country.

In the major cities in Morocco, the tap water is chlorinated and will usually cause no harm, but it’s still wise to either purify this water yourself or choose another water source, as your body may react to unfamiliar bacteria in the water, causing sickness or diarrhea. Brushing your teeth with this water should be fine. In remote or rural areas, stick to treated water, by either filtering or purifying it yourself, or purchasing a large bottle. It’s also advisable to avoid raw vegetables, fruits with edible skins, salads and drinks with ice. Opt for cooked foods and fruits that need to be peeled instead.

Hot beverages in Morocco are usually fine to drink, as boiling water should kill off any harmful bacteria in the tap water. If you wish to drink an iced tea, however, it is best to check if this has been made using filtered water.

For environmental reasons, try to avoid buying bottled water. Bring a reusable bottle or canteen (we recommend at least a 1.5 litre capacity) that can be refilled and filtered as needed. Some hotels you’ll stay at may have drinking water available. Your local leader can tell you where to find filtered water, or you can bring purification tablets.

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