Flowers, Birds and Butterflies of Eastern Anatolia

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Van to Trabzon
After breakfast we’ll leave Erzurum in the morning and begin our idyllic journey to İkizdere . Arriving in Ispir, we will search for Semi-collared Flycatcher, Caucasian Chiffchaff in the surrounding orchards, with a spectacular view of Coruh Valley, and drive on to Sivrikaya region where Golden Eagle, Griffon Vulture, Lammergeier can be observed as well as many other species, such as Alpine Accentor, Twite, Dipper and Grey Wagtail.
I can thoroughly recommend Eskapas. A friendly and highly professional company. Onur was very efficient in making the arrangements and we had 10 excellent days of migration and other birdwatching. Our guide Havi was highly knowledgeable with excellent id skills, clearly imparted to the clients. He has a flexible and pleasant attitude, matching well to our requirements. His local knowledge, contacts and guiding greatly enhanced our experience of the area.
Eastern Turkey is a real treasure for birders. I recommend End of May to explore this area. Eskapas is the best Turkish tour operator for birding tours.