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Travel can sometimes be unpredictable, but with travel insurance from Generali Global Assistance, you’re supported no matter what happens. It’s time to focus less on the what-ifs and more on your organized adventure
On an organized adventure, you’re looking for unique experiences, not unwelcome surprises! Travel insurance is your safety net, costing only pennies a day but saving you thousands in case of an accident or other misfortune.
Imagine your flight gets canceled, an emergency requires you to return home, or you need to visit the hospital at your destination. Those are just a few examples of where Generali Global Assistance would step in to help you recover your financial losses. They find solutions to your unique situation and help you with the associated costs.
Most health plans don’t cover you overseas, and credit card coverage is limited, so purchasing good travel insurance is a no-brainer. Customized packages offered by companies such as Cover Genius are tailored to fit your needs and make the ideal travel companion for your adventures—from beginning to end!
There’s no better way to understand how travel insurance and assistance can help protect you and your trip than
reading real life examples from fellow travelers.
In short–yes! Travel insurance is mandatory for most of the adventures at Eskapas and must be purchased before you start your travels. It covers trip cancellations, medical emergencies, lost or stolen baggage, and more.
Travel insurance is a bundle of insurance coverages to help protect you from unexpected problems before or during your trip. Many travel insurance plans include insurance coverage and assistance services. Travel insurance policies differ in coverages, just like your auto or health insurance policy, and differ in reimbursement levels. Some of the most common travel insurance policies include coverage for Trip Cancellation, Travel Delay, Emergency Assistance & Transportation, and more. See a side-by-side comparison of our plans to choose the right one for your trip.
You should purchase travel insurance if you are worried about losing money or needing help while on vacation. Travelers most often buy trip insurance when they’ve made nonrefundable trip purchases but are concerned something may come up to cause them to cancel their trip. Another common rationale for trip insurance is Medical and Dental Coverage. But there are a host of other reasons you should get travel insurance, which can be specific to you or your trip plans. Having your travel insured by an industry leader like Generali means having greater peace of mind. Get a Quote.
Most travel insurance providers have an age limit, so it’s best to double-check with your insurance provider to see if you’re eligible
If you purchase our Premium plan you can qualify for coverage for pre-existing medical conditions, as long as the travel protection plan is purchased prior to or within 24 hours of your final trip payment, you are medically able to travel at the time the plan is purchased, and all prepaid trip costs that are subject to cancellation penalties or restrictions have been insured.
For now insurance with Generali Global Assistance is currently only available in the following countries: